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The origins of the B-e20 Loft date back to the early 1900s where, instead of this sought after current location, there was the famous factory Ovidio Vignoni, the leading manufacturer in Italy of hand painted tiles. This historic company was bombed during the Second World War and became a pile of rubble with no future, at the end of the 1940s began the reconstruction of the industrial space of which there are still traces in the charming wooden trusses. Through the years of the economic boom with a new-found glory, the company Ovidio Vignoni was forced to move to the outskirts of Bologna in compliance with the new measures taken to protect the environment. The large size of the former ceramic production site, at this point, made it extremely suitable to adapt into a giant shop window and a warehouse before being completely abandoned in the late 80's.

To bring back the building's original creative dynamism, the current owners embarked upon a project of industrial recovery. The reconstruction began in 2007 and has proven to be a successful and unique intervention. No detail was left to chance and each change was respectful of the preservation of the original identity of the building, at the same time redesigning the interior space in a creative and innovative way. The ample floorspace is adorned with antiques and designer objects, geometric forms juxtiposed to white walls, brick columns sustain the old wooden beams while the large glass windows allow natural light to filter, offering a unique and suggestive atmosphere.

This open, 1200 square meter plan is perfect for welcoming the worlds of business, communication, art and design and is ready to fully embrace your innovative ideas and endeavors.

B-e20 from dumbodumbo on Vimeo.

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